Full of fantasy and adventure

Soekky stories gps-hike

Take a family hike full of fantasy and adventure.

During the months of May, June, July and August, you and your children can take a walk full of fantasy and adventure in and around our campsite. Soekky stories turns the campsite into a real world of adventure. The route of the walk consists of 5 to 10 points along which the story is lived. At our campsite, you will be introduced to the story of Vosje and the honey forest.

Little Fox and the Honey Grove (from 3 years with parents)

Take the whole family on an adventure with Vosje and his friends and discover what is so special in the Honey Grove!

It is still early in the morning when fox wakes up and a light shines in his eyes. It's not the sun, but something else. He decides to go on an adventure and meets new friends along the way.

Experience the adventure together and discover what this light is. Children, together with parents, walk in and around our park this beautiful adventure and are completely taken in this fine and also a little exciting story.

Start right away and live the adventure!

Low Countries Expedition (for ages 6 and up with parents)

“Hey, adventurer! Here speaks Ole Gustav Peddelson, explorer and expedition leader. I've been sitting still for far too long and that always causes crazy things in my body. Sleeping buttocks, stiff shoulders, a mega-duf head... And maybe also a little cranky? You know what I mean? 

Fortunately, all I have to do is imagine I'm going on a great adventure, and that quietness flies out the window like a cloud of starlings. Then, when my mustache tips also start twitching like glider wings, I know I really need to pack up for a new adventure as soon as possible!

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